4-H Livestock Project Information
4-H Livestock Tagging Policy, effective 10/1/21
Cowley County 4-H Catch-A-Calf Program

Cowley County 4-H L.E.A.D Program
We are excited to introduce the L.E.A.D Program! This is a small specie mini grant program focusing on emerging Leaders, Empowering youth with Accountability and positive Development Opportunities. This opportunity comes from the generous donations of the House Foundation.
This program will be closely mirroring the Catch-A-Calf program. It will be available to Sheep, Swine and Meat Goat projects. Mini grants of $500 will be awarded to the selected participants to go towards their market project. Participants will be held to a higher standard to become more knowledgeable about the industry, grow as leaders in their clubs and communities, and push themselves to the next level. Their projects will be exhibited at the Cowley County Fair and sold in the Premium Sale. Their projects will automatically go on to compete in the new carcass contest in Cowley County for sheep, meat goat and swine. This contest will be an opportunity for all youth to participate in with the carcass evaluation/tour on Friday following the fair.
2025 Livestock Tagging/Ownership Requirements for Cowley County 4-H
Market Beef:
All market beef must be weighed and tagged at the official weigh-in day Sunday, March 2, 2025. Please contact office prior to tagging if animals have EID tags already in their ears.
Registered Breeding Beef:
All registered breeding heifers must be registered in the 4-H members name by May 1, 2025.
Commercial Breeding Beef:
All commercial breeding heifers are strongly encouraged to be tagged at the official weigh-in day- Sunday, March 2, 2025. (to avoid additional travel fees) If heifers have EID tags already please contact office for direction. Deadline to be tagged is May 1, 2024.
Sheep, Meat Goats and Swine:
Must be must be weighed and tagged at the official weigh-in day. If swine have EID tags already in their ear please contact Office prior to tagging days. Sunday, April 27, 2025 1:30-4pm OR Tuesday April 29, 2025 5-7pm at the Winfield Fairgrounds.
Bucket Calves:
Bucket Calves born January 1 - May 31st of the current year will be required to have a local issued bucket calf tag that can be purchased at the Extension Office.
2nd Year Bucket Calves will be required to have a state issued EID tag and weighed at the Beef tagging day on March 2, 2025.
Dairy Goats:
Dairy Goats must be owned or leased by May 1, 2025. Complete the Dairy Goat Lease and Identification Form and turn in to the Cowley County Extension Office.
Dairy Cattle:
Complete 4-H Grade Dairy Cattle and Leasing Form by May 1, 2025.
Complete Horse ID Certificate and signed by Extension Agent by May 1, 2025. MUST be the original form and pictures must be included.
Project Videos
Check out the following videos for helpful information about feeding, training and showing your market livestock projects.
Introduction to Showing Meat Goats
Sheep Showmanship (coming soon!)
Swine Showmanship (coming soon!)
Dairy Goat Lease and Identification Form (Due in Cowley Co. May 1st)
4-H Grade Dairy Cattle and Leasing Form (Due in Cowley Co. May 1st)